Request a better Sutherland to Cronulla active transport link

Here’s how:

We’ve provided a draft letter below to make it fast and easy to write a letter to send to both the Minster for Transport and the Minister for Roads.

Letters are given more consideration by ministers if they are not identical to others they receive. Therefore, we suggest that you begin the letter with a sentence or two stating why aligning SCATL with the rail-corridor is important to you.

Some ideas for your opening:

  • I/my children/elderly neighbour with a mobility scooter will be more likely to use a rail corridor aligned path.
  • I am worried about removal of trees, accidents between bikes and pedestrians.
  • Fuel for my car is expensive and I’d rather walk or cycle but only if there is good infrastructure.
  • I have experienced great active transport when visiting London, Vancouver, Melbourne, etc and want a useful network in the Shire.
  • I can’t park my car at the local shops and want an active transport network in the Shire that takes cars off the road and frees up parking spaces.
  • I worry about hitting cyclists when I am driving and would like the Shire’s active transport network to provide dedicated paths which are separate from the roads.

Copy and paste your completed letter into the comments section of the correspondence form at this website for the NSW Minister for Transport:

And this website for the NSW Minster for Roads: :

Subject: Request use of rail corridor for SCATL

Draft letter:

Dear Minister Haylen (NSW Minister for Transport),


Dear Minister Graham (NSW Minister for Roads),

I am writing to urge you to utilise the rail corridor for the Sutherland to Cronulla Active Transport Link (SCATL) as it is the safest and most efficient route for the ‘spine’ of the Shire’s Active Transport network. It remains the preferred route for the community, Sutherland Council and BicycleNSW. While parts of the path have already been completed, the section between Oak Road, Kirrawee and Jackson Ave, Miranda is yet to be started. This is a very congested area of the Shire with high pedestrian and vehicle traffic due to schools, large apartment complexes and the Westfields shopping centre so utilising the rail corridor as much as possible will greatly decrease injuries and enhance efficiency of the transport link.

As a rate payer, I am concerned that State Government’s plans for SCATL routing and construction that don’t adhere to the Cycling Design Toolbox will force our council to shoulder extra costs for litigation related to accidents between cyclists and pedestrians.

In areas where the rail corridor is too narrow to allow the 4 metre minimum width for a shared path, a 2.5 metre ‘cycling only’ designated path could be built, as has been done for the recently completed section of SCATL in Caringbah (between Banksia Av and Gannons Rd).

Costs for building a rail-corridor aligned route could be reduced by using at-grade road crossings instead of bridges and tunnels. These extra features could be added at a later date.

There are many examples of rail corridors being used successfully for urban active transport networks in both Sydney (Como-Oatley and Parramatta to Liverpool shared paths) and in and around Melbourne. Many of the paths in Melbourne are safely being used without the installation of expensive fencing.

Active transport networks yield great benefits for residents by facilitating physical activity, improving air quality and reducing greenhouse gas emissions and traffic congestion produced by motorised transport. It is great to see State government is putting effort towards building them in some areas of Sydney, such as the permanent cycle and pedestrian pathway between Sydenham and Bankstown that was announced last month.

Our population in the Shire is rapidly growing and needs alternatives to adding more cars on the roads. I look forward to hearing about an improved commitment by State Government to building our SCATL infrastructure alongside the rail corridor.

Thank you,

(Add your name)

Here are some points if you prefer to write your own letter from scratch:

  • The SCATL was supposed to follow the rail corridor.  The proposed new route is inferior, indirect and inefficient.  No convincing rationale has been provided for the change.  The original plan for the “Spine” of the route alongside the South side of the rail corridor should not be abandoned.
  • Hundreds of driveways and many intersections will need to be crossed on this new route, making it unsafe and reducing the efficiency for active transport.
  • Shire residents are being short-changed with the proposed new route.  The original planned and promised route was along the rail corridor.   Moving the path onto the side of busy roads is not safe or efficient for cyclists and there is no tangible improvement for walkers over existing footpaths.
  • Include the link to this story as proof of their original plan:
  • Shire residents, Sutherland Council and Bicycle NSW all prefer the use of the rail corridor because it is by far, the safest, most efficient and pleasant route and will minimise the removal of trees.
  • Use of the rail corridor between Kirrawee and Miranda is particularly important due to high pedestrian and vehicular traffic.
  • One of the least expensive solutions to the traffic congestion that the NSW Government’s unfettered approval of high density housing development in the Shire has created is the provision of a high-quality, safe and efficient active transport route along the rail corridor.  Smaller, less expensive connectivity to suburbs and services can be added after this crucial “Spine” is established.
  • It is safe and feasible to use a rail corridor for active transport as illustrated by the Como-Oatley and Parramatta to Liverpool shared paths.
  • Ask State Government to investigate the cost for building the 2015 rail-corridor aligned route using at-grade road crossings instead of bridges and tunnels. These extra features could be added at a later date.
  • It is unacceptable for NSW Govt to expect Shire rate payers to fork out funds for increased litigation for accidents with cyclists and pedestrians and ongoing maintenance issues with a second rate shared pathway.

Don’t forget to sign this petition!

More information

There is plenty of room in the rail corridor to accommodate a shared path. Have a look at this gallery of photos that prove it.

Bicycle NSW says the new proposed SCATL route is unsafe and needs to be changed. Details are provided in their excellent submission: The Sutherland to Cronulla Active Transport Link: the case for a safe direct path.

What is SCATL and why it is important

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